Whenever I go to New York or near the park, the drivers go by and sometimes give me a thumbs-up, many read the blog and are following the dramas of the lambs as well as the horses. I give them the thumbs-up back. For years, the people in the carriage trade have been dehumanized, portrayed as greedy abusers, thieves. There is an awful whiff of elitism in this campaign against the carriage trade, whenever I am in New York City I try and capture images that reveal the people behind the arguments and accusations.
They are not saints or perfect people, we cannot offer utopia for people any more than we can offer it to animals. And that is the point really, animals are not her to live in paradise, they share the joys and travails and love and sorrows of the world with us, we are their partners, not only their wards. That is the point of the horses, really, they have always worked alongside of us to build our world and live in it. The carriage rides are their last work for us, at lelst for now, their work with us ought to be honored and preserved. And they and the people who keep them in our world and work with them deserve respect.