Maria and I are heading to New York City first thing in the morning. This trip is important to me. I am going to meet with Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Calf Buffalo Pipe of Peace, Chief Arvol and I are both going together to witness an animal rights demonstration against the horses and to talk with one another. He has asked me to come and meet with him. He is conducing a prayer ceremony in Central Park for peace and for the carriage horses, he is speaking out against the breaking of their sacred connection with human beings.
I am going for several reasons. I believe the assault on the carriage trade and the carriage horses is an injustice, and a great mistake. These horses represent many things in human history, and are one of the last links between our greatest city and the natural and animal worlds. I believe they are safest and best cared for right where they are, they have work to do that is meaningful to many people.
The carriage horse owners and drivers have been subject to a long and unnecessarily cruel campaign, they have suffered greatly simply for doing their jobs, pursuing their own work and living their lives. They have broken no laws, committed no crimes. There is no evidence the horses are abused, unhappy, overworked, unsafe, or uncomfortable.
Chief Arvol believes deeply that all working horses and humans should be protected by law as they serve a deep cultural and spiritual purpose in keeping a sacred connection alive for future generations. This connection is in great danger, if the horses are banished from New York, they will disappear from our world.
I’ll bring my camera and do some blogging from New York. I’ll return to the farm with Maria on Tuesday.