Maria and I spent the day with Ma, encouraging her, trying to make her comfortable, talking to her, visualizing birth, looking up her very messy butt. Maria says I can’t call her dumb anymore, as she was brave and patient and determined, and she is a great mother, attentive and gentle. This was her first lamb, we didn’t quite realize there was another one in there, she looks like Liam’s twin.
This was one of the most remarkable weeks in my life with animals, I was challenged and tested in so many ways, and I am very happy with the way it turned out. There were so many ethical and financial and other decisions involved, it tested my values, patience, knowledge of lambing and notions about communications. I think I grew a bit this week.
It was difficult, it was wonderful. It is why we are here, what life is about, this is the life we chose and this is a part of it. Maria say she will never do it again, but I bet she reconsiders that, it is the most wonderful feeling on the earth to make the right call about an animal and to pull a baby out of a womb and see it stand up and walk. There are not too many comparable experiences, I am nothing but grateful for it.