8 May

Tinkerbell And Me: Lost Boys, Lost Girls.

by Jon Katz
My Tinkerbell Fantasy
My Tinkerbell Fantasy

Since I was nine or ten years old, I will admit that I have had fantasies about Tinkerbell. Some of them were sexual, some related to issues of adventure and independence. I thought she always dressed in a provocative and sexy way, she seemed to always have a come-hither look. She lived a life of movement and freedom, and there was that magic pixie dust that trailed in her wake.

I had this idea she was interested in me, or might be if I went to Neverland. I would have appreciated being one of the Lost Boys, as she was a Lost Girl. I was one of the Lost Boys for almost all of my life, maybe I am still. When I was a kid, I always fantasized about being free, I would have loved to just buzz around like that and torment the Captain Hooks in my life. She was – is – a strong woman.

I think Peter Pan never really appreciated her, and I always wondered where she slept at night and with whom. I hope she ended up with a good guy. I confessed this fantasy to my wife when we went to Disney World and some months later, being an artist, she surprised me with the gift of this beautiful pillow, which had some Tinkerbell hankies embedded in it. I love it, I love the whole idea of Tinkerbell still.

I nap with this pillow and perhaps because my former girlfriend is away this week, I saw the light fall on Tinkerbell. Even after all these years, she’s still works for me, I love you, Tink, now and forever.

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