There is no progress to report for Ma. We gave her a shot to induce labor this morning and she has moved little since. There is still a good chance she will go into labor tonight, but I am not optimistic about it. I’m going to Albany to pick Maria up around midnight, I’m sure she will be tired and happy to get home. The last time I ran a farm by myself I was a bit younger, it was different.
I got everything done – with some help from Deb Foster – but the issues with lambing were pretty intense. We’ve got a day or two to rest before New York City, if there is much rest. Zelda is ready to go next, and Ma’s situation will be resolved in the morning, one way or the other.
My instincts told me very strongly to euthanize Ma this morning, the talk with the vet and the ultra-sound softened that resolve. Making decisions about animals is a tricky thing, the lines are never really all that clear.