Suzy is one of the best sheep mothers I have ever seen, and Liam is a great pupil. This morning, he licked on a salt block, nibbled on hay, sipped some water. He is curious and alert, he is learning about life every minute, Suzy never lets him wander too far. She is vigilant but calm, she lets me approach Liam with a camera, hold him for shots and bandages. I think it was a good call to let him out of the stall, he seems to be thriving outside, he even danced around a bit this morning.
It is a wild day here (Fromm nutritionists are on my Facebook Page to answer questions about your pet’s animal nutrition, one of the questions will get a free bag of dog or cat food, they will be there all day) Ma doesn’t need to be in great shape, she is limping, breathing very heavily and her udder is in a strange position. Might have to call Jason in, but we’ll see. I’ll be posting when I can. Maria has called a bunch of times, she is having the most wonderful time, but I know she would like to be here for the lambing.
She’ll be home late tomorrow night, I will be happy to see her.