At one point in the birthing of our second lamb, I thought we were losing both mother and lamb. Socks was in shock, I thought she was dying, we could not get her up, and her baby was lying in the pole barn dirt, Socks did not seem to know she was there, She had had a very rough time coming out and needed some food and stimulation, we got her to her feet, peeled off the amniotic sac and when we got Socks standing, we put the lamb underneath her right nipple. He drew some milk and nourishment, this emergency feeding worked.
I felt good about the way we handled things, we both stayed calm, had the right tools, did the right things, at least so far. Hope the lamb takes it from here.
The sac hanging out of Socks is the afterbirth.
Maria is going away Monday to Gee’s Bend, Alabama, should be exciting around here.