1. The first step when a lamb is born is to get the mother and lamb inside a heated and dry stall. This is done by holding the lamb in a sling if the distance is long, or if possible, simple to pick it up, hold it close so the ewe can see it and walk backwards, pausing to wait for the lamb to catch up. Mothers bond with lambs by licking them and learning their smell, if the mothers and lambs get separated too quickly, they will fail to bond and the ewe will refuse the lamb at the nipple.
2. Once in the stall, there needs to be clean straw or bedding, fresh water lacked with molasses to help the mother regain her strength, some grain and heat lamps to keep the shivering newborn dry. The stall must be secure from predators and clean.
3. The lamb’s umbilical chord needs to be cut, then iodine applied to it and disinfectant.
4. The lamb needs 1 ccs of vitamin booster and energy supplement.
5. In a day or so, the lamb’s tail will be docked.
6. A male lamb, a ram, must be neutered or sent to sold.
7. In three days, the lamb and mother are released to the flock.