We checked in the lambs just before dark and then again, just before bed. Susie and Liam are tucked in under two heat lamps, the lamp is a bit frail on his feet but is nursing well and Susie finally lay down for a rest tonight. Sheep make the most wonderful mothers, they are attentive, protective and diligent. The lamps give the lamb a chance to be warm and dry out. Maria is thrilled to have a lamb and see the process, I remember it all well and am confident about it, the lamb has his vitamin shot and the umbilical cord was cut and treated with iodine.
The heat lamps are helpful the first day or two, it’s chilly but not cold and the lamb is still getting cleaned up by his mother, so his coat is often wet.
Tomorrow or Saturday I’ll dock the tail with a heated docker, the sooner it is done the less painful it is – there are few nerves in a lamb’s tail the first few days of life. So far, so good.