The big storm that hit so much of the country slipped away below us, it is the end of the rainy days, at least for now, a strong sun came out, Maria put the pansies on the porch, I took the first flower photo of 2014.
The reality of Maria’s trip Monday to Gee’s Bend, Alabama to meet the quilters there and work with them is closing in on me, I will be alone on the farm for the first time since we moved here, this is the longest we will have been apart since we got married. It is a good and healthy thing to do, I am overjoyed for her. I will be busy handling the farm chores and taking on the many things she does around her, we spend a lot of happy time together it will be strange, different.
I also think it is necessary. It is important for people to be alone with themselves, I have done too much of it in my life, but not lately, it is time. I will share the process. This is a huge thing for Maria to be doing, for herself for her art, for her life. Every time I think of it my heart lifts. I will drive her to the airport early Monday, then go to pick her up Thursday. I’ll try to keep the place neat while she’s gone, I am a chaos machine, and there are three dogs and two cats living her with us.