I told Red to hold the sheep – we were going to close the gate – and when you tell Red to hold the sheep you can take it to the bank that they will be held. This morning, though a twist, a rebellion, the donkeys began heading towards the hay feeder and the sheep decided to bolt too, running alongside of them and hiding behind them.
Three donkeys and a bunch of sheep on a path heading towards a 65 lb dog did not faze the dog – Red was moving an inch. But I blinked, I could just imagine the donkeys running right over him and Red staying, as he had been ordered to do. “That’ll do, Red,” I shouted and he turned and came off of the path towards me. I was pretty sure the donkeys would have veered to one side, passing him by, but I didn’t really think it was worth it to find out. I do know Red would not have blinked. It is not always easy being a small dog in charge of large animals.