Maria and Red and I went to Cromwell, Connecticut today, Gail Allen of the Connecticut Library Association invited me to talk about the future of books, blog and e-book publishing and my life at Bedlam Farm. I am very fond of librarians, they are the angels and social workers of the story and the written word, they are poorly paid, underfunded, and desperately important. I love to talk at libraries, and never charge for speaking. They deserve the support of writers and anyone who cares about the written word or the story in any form. Some of my photos were flashed on a screen in the background.
We had a great time, I had an SRO crowd and i have to say that librarians sure love dogs. Red was a smash, he was mobbed everywhere we went, in the hallways, on the elevator, outside of the meeting halls. I said it was important that writers drop their array of struggle stories and get busy using new technologies to get their stories out to their readers and the world. It is not, I said, the end of books, it is the beginning of the Golden Age of Storytelling. More people are reading more book in different forms for less money than ever before in human history.
This cannot be bad for writers. Amazon did not change publishing, I said, the future changed publishing and our choice is whether to embrace the future, grouse about it or run from it. I intend to stay a writer and a story-teller. Great questions, I am so grateful for the chance to talk to these committed people. I am coming to terms with the undeniable reality that Red and Maria (in that order, I think) are much more popular than I am. Both are just mobbed with admirers everywhere they go, I tag along for the ride. It is nice to say. I am lucky all around.
We came home to a minor miracle. The septic people contacted our friend and neighbor Jack Macmillan and while we were away, they all came over here and pumped out our very full septic tank, sparing us a great mess. Deb Foster came over and got Frieda locked up in my study so no windows were broken, not septic workers dragged around the yard. Good friends are precious. We can flush in peace. No lambs. Big three-day Noreaster on the way, I will not be going to New York City to take pictures with George Forss. Maybe he will take the train down with me in a couple of weeks. Next Monday, Maria is off to Gee’s Bend, Alabama, to study with the famous quilters there.
I’m free to tear up the town. Maybe get some muffins at the Round House.