This morning, something new from We are pleased to welcome Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig, an experienced veterinarian now working with Fromm Family Foods, a sponsor of this website (the only one ever) and the oldest holistic family-owned pet food company in America. My dogs have been eating Fromm Food for nearly two years now, I have never had a better food with better results, it is the only pet food company I ever considered advertising here.
For a year now, Fromm nutritionists have been coming onto my Facebook Page on Wednesdays to answer your nutrition questions. Today, Dr. Joel will come onto my Facebook Page live between 10 a.m. and noon (the nutritionists will be answering your questions all day) to answer any questions you might have about your pets health and nutrition. He is the real deal. This is a rare opportunity, in the age of a lot of dubious Internet amateur vets, to talk to a real one about your dog or cat.
The topic will go up at 10 a.m. on my Facebook Page. Please post your questions there and Dr. Joel and the Fromm nutritionists will answer them as quickly as they can. At the end of the day, I’ll choose one of the questions and the poster will get a coupon for a free bag of Fromm dog or cat food.
I’m excited to be able to offer this service through the blog, grateful to Fromm for offering it free of charge. As many of you know, I have long been uncomfortable with some of the hysterical and false information that flows so freely online, from long-distance diagnosing of animals to untested and unproven homemade medications. Vets go to school for a very long time to learn about animal health and it’s a great opportunity to talk to one directly, today (Wednesday) and almost every other Wednesday. So ask away, and thanks for contributing. I’ll post the winner of the free food tomorrow.
Also, don’t forget to check out the Fromm website, there is a lot of good nutritional information there, and they have one of the best customer service departments anywhere. This begins at 10 a.m. today.