We went to Crystal Hill, where local people have been pulling small crystallized stones out of the ground for generations. I do not ever find any, Maria seems to know where they are, she bends down and gently touches the soil and comes up with beautiful stones, most of the time. I love to walk ahead of her – to give her time and space – and the dogs and I sit down by a stump or a rock and wait for her, or i will try and take some photos of the deep woods.
She has the kind of focus and concentration that I lack, I do not have the patience or eye for this kind of work. The dogs and I sit and watch – we all love the same woman – and after a few minutes, there is an exclamation, a sound, and she gets up and holds up a beautiful stone. I think she is a pagan, she is of the earth, she has a special kind of feel for it.
I love going to Crystal Hill, I love watching Maria find these beautiful stones, some end up on our windowsills, some in her quilts, some on her desk. She gives some to her friends.