The chemistry between people and animals is mysterious, mystical, often unknowable. I am fond of Minnie, but I have never been drawn to her. I am drawn to Flo. I have never loved all animals equally, but I think Maria does, her love of animals is a huge part of who she is, and she is coming to know that, in her work and consciousness.
Like many people who love animals, Maria was concerned about being an “animal nut,” or being seen that way. That is the legacy of sensitive children who often grew up being ridiculed. She is coming to terms with who she is, and I see it almost every day in my life and in my photographs. Maria was with me when I first got Minnie in North Hebron nearly six years ago, we were just friends then.
She has always loved Minnie, always been open to her, and when Minnie lost her leg, I knew we had to keep her, have her leg amputated, it would have been so painful to Maria to lose her. Minnie has always been a bit of odd creature, born a feral kitten she has never been easy around people other than me and Maria. Simon tried to stop her, Frieda chased her and I never wanted a lot to with her. Minnie is a trooper, she is coming to terms with having three legs and her relationship with Maria has deepened. Maria has helped Minnie heal, I can see it.
This morning, when I came out of the pasture after the chores, I saw these two pausing to meet with one another in the middle of the yard. It was a touching thing to see, Minnie’s relationship with Maria has made such a difference to her. Clearly, Maria identifies with her in a profound and visible way. This was a portrait of healing to me, for human and animal.