It was touching to see Maria, she is beginning to understand and acknowledge her great love of animals and her almost mystical connection with them, I am grateful she agreed to come to Blue-Star Equiculture today, I am grateful we share our lives with one another, it is a new and very powerful experience for me.
She just loved these huge and gentle giants, they came up to her, one by one, and presented themselves to be touched, have their noses rubbed, press against people – their love of people and need to be near them was so evident, they came up to us wherever we went, they seemed so calm and trusting. They towered over Maria and over me, but neither of us was afraid of them or anxious to be around them. Such beautiful creatures, we saw again and again their need to be around people, they have been around people all of their lives and worked almost every day of their lives.
At Blue Star, they work still, except for the old horses, pulling carriages, helping with farm chores, visiting schools. I loved watching the connection between Maria and these animals, they were talking to one another all day. I’m putting up a photo album on my Facebook Page.