It feels like an awful storm,
bearing down, Mother Earth
sending us a last message
for the season.
The storm began this morning,
it will rage through the night,
wind, ice, sleet, raging winds,
heavy snow, at the hardware store they say
16 inches,
at the food co-op they say eight to ten,
at the Post Office, they shrug,
as if to say “we are not allowed to say.”
What have you heard?, I am asked all day.
What have you heard?,” I ask all day.
The tub is filled with water, the candles
placed on tables,
a bag of cheese puffs by the sink,
my Kindle is charged, if the power goes out again
tonight, like the farmer has promised, we will
pull the mattress downstairs and sleep on the floor,
by the wood stove.
We have each other, I think, the storm is nothing.