King and I met one morning,
earlier this week,
are you one of the inmates, he asked me,
anxious, backing up?
Yes, I said, but I have not taken over the asylum,
I have hidden for years,
they are still looking for me.
What happens when the inmates take over?, he asked me,
anxiously. Tell me the truth.
Well, I said, I will tell you the truth,
it is awful when the inmates take over,
when the angry people take over,
when the righteous people,
take over,
and are in charge.
There is argument everywhere,
and confrontation,
reason and truth rush to hide,
behind their blogs and Facebook pages,
it is always the innocents who pay,
they have no blogs,
or Facebook pages,
the poor and the animals,
just like Jesus said.
I will be honest with you, King, I said.
When the inmates take over,
there is no one to talk to,
anger lives in the streets,
in messages online,
in cruel and shouted chants,
no mercy or compassion,
no talking or listening,
for who is there who will listen
to you
or hear what you say?
When the inmates take over,
we will all be judged,
sentenced to ride for all eternity,
in eco-friendly electric carts,
you will be shunned and banished,
sent away, there is no place for you,
in the asylum, you will be chased from the world,
either to live on some hidden farm,
where you will eat and dump your manure,
and disappear from sight,
or to the butcher, who will chop
you up and feed you to the dogs.
Either way, my friend, you will die,
one kind of death or another.
For reason and truth and compassion
dies too.
That is what happens,
when he inmates take over,
the asylum.