The storm thew us into chaos a bit, donkeys at the sheep feeder, sheep rioting at the donkey feed, we are re-gaining control of the farm, with the help of the Big Red Dog, who is an experienced and focus farm manager. Two of the sheep tried to break away and get into the hay bin in the barn, another went after the donkey’s food. Red got everybody back where they belong and kept order. We are glad to see sunshine this morning, although the farm has become a muddy swamp with melting ice. More cold later this week but nice today. Going to New York City Monday and Tuesday, I hope to get my new camera and maybe take a Horse Carriage ride.
Maria’s Kickstarter project “Reclaiming VIntage Hankies” is live on Kickstarter, she has raised nearly $3,000 on one day, she is $1,000 away from her goal, she is just getting started. She is impressive, as always.