George and I had a sweet and stormy night Thursday at our photo show reception at the Round House Cafe. There was an ice and snow storm that arrived around dusk, and a lot of people wisely stayed home, some good and loving friends turned out for some wine and cheese and crackers and to help us celebrate the show. George and I talked a bit and we showed some videos of BBC, Today Show and Entertainment Tonight pieces about George and his work in New York City.
I am not a big fan of art shows, this one was so comfortable and intimate and warm, it was a sweet night for the both of us. This winter is tenacious, it seems to be one stream of winter that just doesn’t break or end. But the cafe was a bright place last night, it meant a lot to me, and I think, to George. We are fortunate to have a place like the Round House to appreciate our work, people said the nicest things about my pictures, and George was his charming and charismatic self. Most of the people who came knew him but some got a closer look at his wonderful creative history, and learned more about his amazing life.
I have to say I am touched by the feeling people have for my photos there as well, it is something new and different for me, my photography grows as an important part of my life. Next week I go to New York to pick up my new camera, another chapter in my photography. My friendship with George has enriched my life, I was very proud to share my photos with his on a sweet and stormy night in my town.