It is always Spring for Red, the cold does not exist for him, it was – 10 this morning, he was eager, overjoyed to go outside, happy to stay in the snow, to watch his sheep, to do his work. Okay, pal, I thought, you are inspiring me to be in Spring, to do the same, to think beyond the narrow message of a thermometer, I will be planting Dahlla’s shortly, walking with you in the woods.
This is the last day of my Kickstarter Funding for “Talking To Animals,” 24 hours to go, we are at $15,636, 170 per cent of the original funding request, I am expanding the time and range of the project thanks to the pledges and interest from so many people. I think I’m going to get to $16,000, I have my ideas on a wonderful camera. Funding closes at 9:21 a.m. Wednesday, tomorrow. Quite an amazing experience, and thanks so much for your support. I’ve added a new reward, a visit to Bedlam Farm for animal communications lessons and discussion for pledges of $250 more more, some people have signed up. It will be helpful to me.