I went to George Forss’s Ginofor Art Gallery today to pick up the prints George has printed of 12 of my photos that will be included in the “Landscapes” show George and I are doing together at the Round House Cafe starting in February (reception will be held at the cafe from 7 – 8:30, February 20). George did an astonishing job of printing my photos on some special-order high fiber digital paper, they just look wonderful, Maria and I were both astonished at the quality. The photos will be sold 16 x 20 ” framed and matted.
On Saturday’s, George plays opera on his surround-system speaker system, he says it is good for the soul, and it is. The George Forss Theater Of The Arts was warm and bright and accented by beautiful music piped from the New York Opera Company. I think I will join him next Saturday and listen to the opera, can’t think of a better way to spend some time on a gray winter afternoon. I am grateful to George for the work he did on my prints, I can’t wait to see the prints he makes for his own work, we are calling the show “Landscapes,” different perspectives on the rural and urban landscape, a great honor for me to have a photo show with this photographic legend. And check out George’s newest manifesto, an “Order From The Universe” directing him to form a new kind of community devoted to arts and information. Check out his amazing photos too, on sale at prices that are perhaps the greatest going bargain in photography.