This was one of the first photos taken of Simon (Maria took it) a couple of months after he came to Bedlam Farm. It was a therapy walk, really, a walk to get him up and moving on his emaciated and crippled legs – he had been lying on his side for weeks, even months in frozen mud and water. As we crossed the road a farmer I know stuck his head out of the window and yelled “Two Asses On The Road,” and we both laughed. Simon struggled to take even a few steps, it took an hour or so for us to cross the road and get back.
It is good to look back on these photos, I remember how even this short walk was such a struggle for Simon, moving on his atrophied legs, he was frail, when we got back he collapsed in the pasture and didn’t move for hours. I am eager to get a halter on him again this Spring, take him out to eat some flowers.