In the days before Christmas, we had our spirits working feverishly at the farm, Maria and Frieda were holed up in the Schoolhouse Studio making quilts to send out for Christmas, special potholders as gifts, Maria and I have resolved to take it easy in the days between Christmas and New Year’s (except for blogging, making stuff, working on my next book and she on some quilts.) Maria sold the first sketch she ever offered for sale in seconds yesterday, and I am excited about that. I love her sketches, I am glad she finally felt ready to show and sell them.
I snuck out into the barnyard to catch this late night shot of my former girlfriend spinning her magic, I love seeing her working, it just lifts my heart as I know it does hers.
Over the holidays, we plan on seeing the new Hobbit movie (Smaug), the movie about Disney and Mary Poppins (Saving Mr. Banks), Inside Llewyn Davis (The Coen Brothers) and Wolf On Wall Street (Martin Scorcese). We are spending New Year’s Eve with some close friends.
Connie Brooks and her staff are a bit rested – there is still the Christmas rush – but looking somewhat refreshed after the barrage of orders for “Second Chance Dog.” More may be coming after Christmas, I warned her. Saturday Maria and I are going to visit my sister and in a couple of weeks, we’re going to New York City to trawl around, visit museums, take photos and go to movies with my daughter Emma.
Except for two days in New York, the blog will be up and running, photos too. It is tough for Maria and I to slow down, we are working at it. We love our work is the problem, we don’t feel quite human without it. But we are realists too, I know I need a bit of rest, I took my first nap today with Flo on my lap, it worked out.