19 December

Lisa Dingle And George Forss

by Jon Katz
Creative Souls
Creative Souls

The photographer George Forss is one of my closest friends, Lisa Dingle is a former student in my Art Of The Blog class and a co-administrator of the Open Group At Bedlam Farm, she has become a very valued friend, she came to Cambridge today to have lunch with Maria and I and to go to George Forss’s gallery and pick up two of his prints that she purchase on his blog. George also has a wonderful essay he published there today about being an “off” person, I have to say it connected with me very strongly. George has never figured out how to promote himself and be an insider, nor does he really wish to be.

Lisa is a writer and popular blogger. She loved George’s work and he much enjoyed talking to her. They got each other.

George is a genius, but definitely an “off” person, he lives outside the circle, as do I. It was very compelling for me to see these two creative souls hit if off with one another, Lisa bought some prints and even bought a hard-cover copy of his book “Enos,” an exploration of aliens and our universe. George was so startled by Lisa’s interest in his book that I had to point out to him that he he had some for sale and Lisa wanted to buy one. “Oh,” he said “I need to pay attention.” Lisa spent a half hour with George, talking photography and art, George loved talking to her.

I think George is being re-discovered, the circle turns, I think his time is swinging back around. You can check out some of his masterworks trough the Park Slope Gallery,  which represents his work in New York City. If any of you out there would like to meet George and consider buying some of his notecards and prints – they are quite inexpensive – let me know and I’ll be happy to help arrange a visit.

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