7 December

Scenes From A Visit. Worthwhile People.

by Jon Katz
Scenes From A Visit
Scenes From A Visit

We can’t do as many visits to the farm as we would like – a lot of people want to meet Simon and see Red work (Maria, too) – but things are busy there, it’s hard enough to get our own work done. More and more, we try when we can and we are never disappointed. Liz Haggerty is one of those very real people who intersect with the life of a writer, she has often appeared at my readings, she follows the blog, she came to one of the Open Houses last year, but she was a face, although one that made an impression on me.

I can tell from her eyes that she has seen a lot, she is a naturally bounded and reserved person, at one reading I suggested she come and visit the farm, and she decided to take a ride to Washington County with her husband Tom today and Maria and I both enjoyed getting to know her better, my instincts were good, she is worth knowing. We took a good hike out to the outer pasture – Tom was cold, he waited in the carĀ  – and we got to know Liz better, I hope we see her often.

Opening one’s life up is complex if you are a public person – some would call me a celebrity, I don’t use that word about myself. People expect you to be remote and wary and snobby, and sometimes I am all of those things, but I have seen as my closed life has gradually opened up, that is a good, essential thing to do.There are so many good, hard-working, creative, honest and worthwhile people in the world, and we had a visit from one of them today.

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