4 December

Landscapes Exhibit: George Forss, Jon Katz – Round House Cafe, February.

by Jon Katz
Landscapes Exhibit
Landscapes Exhibit

I am very happy to report that George Forss and I will be doing a joint photo exhibit in February at the Round House Cafe in Cambridge, N.Y., our photos will hand there for about six weeks. We are thinking of calling the show “Landscapes: Two Perspectives.” I talked to Scott Carrino about it yesterday and I asked George if he wanted to do it this morning – “say yes,” he said. I am honored to show my photos along with George, a master photographer recognized for his landscape photography all over the world.

Scott wants to do an artist reception (I’ll have to think about that, art gatherings give me hives) at the Round House sometime in Feburary, dates to be announced later. This is a huge honor for me, and George is excited about it also. We both are landscape photographers in different ways, George is famous for his explorations of the urban landscape, I am not famous at all for my photographs of the rural landscape, but I love taking them. Landscapes are our lives in many ways, the landscapes of the farm are always changing – remember the tires and manure piles? The animals change, the light changes, our lives change.

George has some brilliant photographs of the rural landscape as well and we will figure out which of our photos to hang alongside one another, George is a person very dear to me and I can’t imagine a creative collaboration more inspiring to me. Maybe Maria will agree to curate the show, that would round it out. Photography has shaped and changed my life, all of my photos began as love letters to Maria, and that is still true of each one.

I don’t have any more details yet, we’ll post them as they come. In the meantime, check out George’s blog, he is selling a lot of his amazing new $65 prints of the Manhattan Skyline. Best bargain of the Christmas shopping season. Plenty of time to get George’s prints for Christmas gifts and also to order signed and personalized copies of “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story” from Battenkill Books. We are rolling to Christmas.



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