I’m working on a Battenkill Books video to show life inside a bookstore when orders for hundreds of books suddenly hit, as happened to Connie Brooks in the past few weeks. She has more than 750 orders, we are climbing towards 1,000, we are all tired and happy. We wonder how far this campaign can go, there is nothing much pushing it but this blog and we are giving away lots of stuff – photos, potholders, books, dog food (thank you Fromm Family Food.)
Lots of people are asking Connie if this is a good Christmas gift, we think it is. The last chapter of “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story” is called the “Christmas Miracle,” and it recounts my increasingly desperate efforts to get Frieda into the farmhouse buy Christmas Eve – we had to keep her in the barn for nearly a year, she was so aggressive with the other dogs, as a surprise for Maria. The book is a happy book, hopefully an affirming one, so I do think it is a good gift for people who love second chances, who love animals and people who love love. That is a lot of people.
Our Battenkill Project 1,000 Campaign is continue, we are nearing 800 copies of the book ordered via Battenkill – you can buy it on their website or call the store at 518 677-2515. If you purchase a book through Battenkill, you might win a free bag of dog food, a free books, some photos, Maria’s Frieda potholders and you might help a great independent bookstore, strike a blow for individuality, small business, buying local, freedom and community. It would, of course, help me also. Maria and I will personalize any book bought through Battenkill.
The staff there is organized, focused, sometimes weary, always happy and cheerful. Connie would not want to be too rested at this time of year. Here staff is wonderfully courteous and caring, many of you have become friends with them. People loving talking to them, so do I. I am planning to deliver a Christmas miracle for “Second Chance Dogs” and the things that it stands for. You can also buy the book here. Maria and I will be back at Battenkill this afternoon, I will be at the store signing books tomorrow, Saturday, from 11 a.m. to noon.