I guess you could call Ma a rescue, she lived in hard times in a very confined space before our friend Eadon Ryan got her, and when she came to us, she was still a bit of a mess, her coat had felted, she had huge dreadlocks. Ma is a big sheep and she is dumb as a telephone pole. She and Red tangled for weeks – he would hang off of her long matted coat while she dragged him all over the pasture, but he dog-broke her and she behaves now. Ma is a hearty eater and can knock me down in a flash just by bumping into me, she provides Maria with a lot of wool and she is a genial sort of animal.
Nobody eats like Ma, surely not the other sheep, she burrows her head deep down into the feeder and comes up with a head full of hay. We are getting our ram in the next couple of weeks and if Ma gets knocked up, Maria will have a lot more yarn to sell.