15 November

Big City Reporter Meets Simon: “City Girl” And Donkey

by Jon Katz
City Girl Meets Donkey
City Girl Meets Donkey

TV reporter Elaine Houston (Channel 13, Albany) came to the farm today to interview Maria and as she was doing a stand-up outside of her studio, Simon cut loose one of his bone-curdling brays – I call it the “call to life.” Houston, an experienced reporter whose been all over the world, froze and  backed up and decided she wasn’t ready to get close and personal with a donkey.

“I’m just a city girl,” she said, “I’ve never been near a donkey.” For his part, Simon, who is a dreadful ham who loves every camera he has ever, stood plaintively at the gate waiting for a carrot or a treat – he loves strangers, they all feed him. At our Open Houses, there are long lines of people waiting to touch him and talk to him.

He stood at the gate waiting for some attention and expecting it – I went over and kissed him on his soft nose – but nobody on the TV crew would go near him. Maria said the interview was great and she and Houston seemed so comfortable with one another, the piece will air in a few weeks, I’ll  put up a link to it.

Simon just stood by the gate along, waiting for his charm to work. Not this time, he met his match.

Houston was impressed with Red, she did give him a quick pat on the head when he came out of the pasture.

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