15 November

Affirmation: Maria Makes The News: “Todays’ Woman.”

by Jon Katz
Affirmation Day: Maria In The News
Affirmation Day: Maria In The News

I am excited for Maria today, and proud of her as always. This morning, a reporter from an Albany TV station is coming to film her and do a piece on her work, the program is called “Today’s Woman” and the reporter is from Channel 12. Maria has come a long way since I met her – she had shut down her art for some years, and it as eating her up. It has been the joy of my life to see her do her work, to see it so loved, to see the packages that come for her every day filled with exotic fabrics and old hankies for her scarves, to see the wonderful work she has been producing for several years now, and how much people love it.

I suspect I am the only person on the earth who knows how hard a journey that has been for her, how bravely and graciously and creatively she has handled the challenges in her life, and by herself, with little help and support beyond her own great heart.

So it means a lot when a television station recognizes her and sees her as a model for the ascent everywhere of strong and creative women, something I have long appreciated seeing. This evolution of Maria has marked a major change in my life, I was a lone wolf for years, mostly living alone at Bedlam Farm, it was my farm, my blog, my dogs and animals, my books. Now there is an us, the letters and e-mails all are to me and Maria, they all mention her, they think of this enterprise now not as one thing, but our thing. At the Open Houses, people are as eager to meet Maria as me, at readings she has a line of admirers longer than mine. Some people, even our friends, think they detect some jealousy on my part, but that is a projection, I think, of the way they expect men to act. There is no envy in me for the light shining on thisĀ  remarkable human being.

I think she is a worthy role model for today’s women, she is strong and honest and filled with compassion.

There is nothing in my life that has thrilled me more or made me happier, Maria and I have worked so hard to support one another, she has done more for me than I could ever do for her, and it is quite a wonderful thing to see her getting the recognition and affirmation that she has earned. If there is a failing, it is that I do not have words for it.

So this morning, affirmation time for Maria. A reporter named Elaine Houston is coming to meet her, I will take some photos and get out of the way. Happy Day..





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