Mickey’s World is not available to me, the inside of his head is closed off to me. We meet at the same corner, I always ask him if I can take his picture, he always says sure. For several hours each day, the boundary of his world is a storefront where he sits quietly,drinking coffee, smoking his cigarettes. Everybody knows him, he is quiet and gentle, clean and alert. He is George’s Forss’s stepbrother, and he lives with George in the top floor of an apartment.
At night, he watches TV, sometimes talks to the set, when he is done sitting and watching the world he goes to a convenience store nearby for coffee. Our arrangement is this, I photograph him, talk to him for a short while, give him money for coffee, he nods and then crosses the street and gets his coffee black. He heads towards home in the late, cold afternoon, Mickey is from New York City, he says he loves where he lives, he doesn’t want to go back. Everyone in town looks out for him, makes sure he has clothes, has coffee, a sandwich sometimes. He feels safe here, he is safe here.