Joseph Campbell writes that the role of the artist is to make sense of the color and light and images of the world, I think that is so. We reflect what we see in the mirror. In our culture most of us – most of the people reading this – do not see themselves reflected in the culture, do not see themselves in the mirror of movies, TV, the news, magazines, politics. We are frustrated – often angered – by the fact that we have no voice in our own lives. Politics, health care, lobbyists, the corporate eco-system, the law, all function apart from us and around us and this can make us feel helpless and disconnected.
I am beginning to understand why I started this blog seven years ago, on a sultry Memorial Day before I owned a camera or had taken a photo. I was seeking my voice, my face in the mirror, and this is what the blog has become for me. I do not feel helpless here, or shut out of my own life. Voice is identity, I am grateful to be finding mine.