Tess’s death was dramatic, emotional and beautiful also, and my role is, as always to try and capture it as well as participate. I am proud of the album I am putting together, there is an awful beauty in death, it is my mission to record the real nature of life. One of the most touching things of the morning was the donkeys’ vigil that occurred after Tess had died, and after Maria and Dr. Marsh had left the barn. I stayed behind to see how the donkeys’ and Red would react, and as soon as everyone was out of the barn all three donkeys came over and stood quietly over Tess’s body, each one touching their nose to her, one by one.
They stood in this way for several minutes, then moved on. I think they sense when an animal’s spirit has gone, and then they move on with their lives, a beautiful way to understand death and not be consumed by it. This and other photos will be in my album going up on my Facebook page.