In this household, Plaid Friday is well on the way to being a national holiday. This is my all soul’s day, the shopping day of values, our defiance of the grip of the smothering Corporate Nation. In many ways, it is a day to speak out for individuality, independence, community and creativity – how many days offer that opportunity? In a divided nation, this is something that is pulling a lot of us together.
Maria is feverishly working on 100 potholders and other things for Plaid Friday, and I have a big new book coming out just before Plaid Friday that has a story that ends on Christmas Even. It just dawned on me that this is the perfect Christmas gift, it is about love and connection, ends happily on Christmas Eve and even has a green cover (think of it with a red ribbon.) And dogs, too.
Moreover we are giving a great independent bookstore a happy holiday season. If you pre-order the book through Battenkill Books, as hundreds of people already have, you will not only get the book signed and personalize by me and Maria, but you will be eligible to win free books, free photos of Minnie with her hens, and one of 100 bags of free Fromm Family Pet Food. You can also call Battenkill at 518 677-2515. They are awfully nice, they take Paypal and ship anywhere. You can also visit my books page to see other places to buy the book, which is already in it’s second printing. I am hoping to lead Connie to over 500 sales of “Second Chance Dog” by pub date, which is November 12. Fewer than 200 books to go.
So this begins my Plaid Friday campaign for my new book, part of the new book tour I am embracing and beginning to enjoy. It is a lot of work, the rewards are great, it my intention for “Second-Chance Dog” to be a national best-seller, an affirmation of the book itself, as well as the new technology I am using to promote it. If you would like to see some of the early reviews you can see them right here. Buy local and get a happy Christmas dog story to boot.