Welcome to my blog,
my voice to the world.
The home of my words,
my photography,
my life.
A statement of where I wish to be,
even when I am not…
My blog is not,
about software or technology,
My blog is my community,
my window on the world,
My blog inspires me,
and heals me, and touches
my heart and soul,
maybe you too, sometimes.
My blog is the people who read my books,
the widow in North Dakota, who beings
her day with me,
it comes with coffee,
and hope, it is not their news,
it is your news and mine,
my blog is my freedom, my worth
in a world that measures worth in other ways
than me.
My blog is words, poems,
my memoir, my great work
My blog is not about agents,
or publishers or reviews or lists,
my blog is about me.
the good me,
and the bad.
The misspellings and missteps.
My blog is authentic.
My blog is a ruby,
offered to the weeping sky,
a divine remembrance
of who I am,
who I wish to be.
My blog is me.