I don’t know if animals have souls or not, most people believe they do, especially in our time, when animals are often loved more than people and even worshiped as superior to us. Sometimes I do see the spirit of animals, their souls if you will, come through and today I saw this clearly when we brought Minnie into the house after her explorations outside and she lay on the carpet, keeping her distance from the dogs. Lenore saw her, got up and walked over to her and lay down, close enough to be together, far enough apart so Minnie could feel safe.
Minnie watched Lenore for awhile and she decided to stay put, she even edged closer to her. This has been Lenore’s great lifetime gift, she loves all things and has some intuition about animals that are sick and in need, she always approaches them, gets close, wags her tail, sniffs and licks. She did this when Frieda came, she calmed her, stayed with her, helped her learn commands.
So it was a peaceful thing to see these two get close, and then sleep alongside one another. I watched it for a long time, it was a meditation in comfort.
And here is Minnie the barn cat, wary and independent, trusting this big black dog, getting close to her, perhaps permitting some healing between these two affectionate beings. This was a spiritual moment for me to see, part of the spirituality that can occur between animals, even as they can turn greedy and murderous and predatory at any time. People like to think animals are better than us, but a life with animals teaches that we are actually quite alike in many ways, perhaps this is why we get to close to some of them.