I wanted to share with you a lot of good news about “Second Chance Dog: A Love Story.” This Sunday, Parade Magazine published a short piece by me about the story of Maria, Frieda and me, and I see that Parade has a lot of readers. I am flooded with messages and the book has shot up to the top of many online bestseller lists, all this a little less than a month before publication. The advance reviews in Kirkus and on Amazon are very generous.
The Parade article is bringing new people to this website, and I welcome you and remind you that if you like my Facebook page, you will receive my blog daily in your newsfeed. You are also welcome to visit my new subscriptions page, the blog is my new book, my living memoir. The blog is free to anyone who can’t or doesn’t wish to pay for it, but I have begun a subscription program to get paid for my work, and I thank those many people who have subscribed. There are several easy and very inexpensive ways to subscribe, and subscriptions can be canceled at any time.
We are planning a barn-burner of a book tour – readings, visits to bookstores, blog and Facebook discussions. I am giving away a lot of stuff in keeping with the new spirit of publishing to draw attention to the book – publicity is harder to come by these days as so many newspapers and magazines have stopped reviewing books and most talk shows prefer movie and TV stars to writers.
So I’m planning a Bedlam style campaign for “Second Chance Dog.”
First I will be launching a contest on Facebook, giving away books to people who like my Facebook Frieda campaign. Then I am giving away 50 additional copies of the book to people who post on the “Second Chance” topics that will be running all through November – daily discussions love, dogs, dog training, creative aging, a meaningful life, the themes of the book. I will be recording podcasts about the book and also offering videos of Frieda in her new life.
In addition, Battenkill Books, my local bookstore, is giving away 100 vouchers for free bags of Fromm Family Dog Food. You can call the store at 518 677-2515 or buy the book on their website
Battenkill takes Paypal and they ship anywhere in the world. Maria and I will sign and personalize any books bought through Battenkill, a great independent bookstore. You can also buy the book at these outlets. As many of you know, “Second Chance Dog” is the story my relationship with Maria and of the way in which Frieda became such a central part of our search for love. Frieda is a wonderful dog, the kind of dog I have avoided my whole life, and loving her and training her has opened many windows in my life. The theme of this book is don’t ever quite on love, not at any age.
So there is a lot happening with this book, weeks before the publication date, which is November 12. Please come to this party, I think it will be a joyous ride. And thank you so much for supporting my work.