Okay, I’m heading out to Oklahoma to teach a class at the Nimrod Literary Conference for Readers And Writers and where – hopefully – nobody will ask me about housebreaking their dogs or talk about furbabies and the Rainbow Bridge. I think not, it sounds like one of those literary things I have avoided most of my life (and the feeling has been mutual) but will explore with an open mind and heart. We might actually talk about writing. I love teaching, it is in my heart.
I’m bringing my Canon to try and capture something of Tulsa and my Ipad and a Kindle Paperwhite chocked full of books I have been waiting to read. I love the Kindle when it comes to traveling, otherwise books seem better for me these days. The farm is in good and loving hands, the blog will be silent for a few days, giving me and you all a rest from my insights and observations and stories. Red is all set, Maria is herding sheep with him, he will hardly know the difference. I will go out and kiss Simon on the nose.