I saw the last leaf on the tree just yesterday,
it was looking brave and strong, yet tiring today,
just one day later.
The last leaf had folded into itself a bit, is it lonely,
I wondered, to be the last leaf on the tree?,
there are times when I felt like the last leaf on a tree,
it was lonely for me.
I stood under the tree and leaned over, softly,
carefully, to kiss the last leaf in gratitude,
I did not think I would ever see him again,
I cannot come back for days,
I know he will be gone,
or not recognizable to me.
Would he choose to fall to the ground,
and say goodbye to his tree?,
or would the tree shed him,
like hair on the divine old dog,
or would the wind sweep through the forest and
pick him up, and take him off,
and carry him through this world
like the life-giving sun.
I admit, just to you, good friends,
that I love this leaf, he has touched my heart,
I stood and cried
for him, and for all of the leaves that
fall on the ground, they were swirling all around me,
I said a prayer for him,
please leaf,
I hope you fall in joy and contentment,
not in excruciating pain.
I took this last photo,
thanked him for the gift of grace and beauty,
and said goodbye and thank you.
See you on the other side.