We took Minnie to vet to help clear her bowels and that worked, we brought her home and took her into the yard to walk around for a few minutes, she hobbled to the middle of the yard and lay down and Maria and I went over to sit with her. She was exhausted, Flo came over to check things out and stared at her from a distance, and then she was clearly exhausted and we put her in her crate.
She is beginning to explore walking on her three legs, and she still has her hood on to keep her from licking at her stitches. A tough week ahead of Minnie, but she is getting great care and attention, I can imagine her hopping around the barn and chasing after mice in a couple of weeks. Minnie is quite vocal, she has a lot to say. The dogs have completely adapted to her presence in the crate. In the evenings, Minnie sits next to me or Maria on the couch, she seems happy to cuddle with us there and we take the hoof off of her head so long as we are watching.