Every Saturday Lisa Dingle drives four hours each way from Massachusetts to take my class, “the Art Of the Blog” at the Hubbard Hall Arts Center in Cambridge, N.Y. She always arrives a few minutes early, I find her having some coffee in the Round House Cafe. We usually open up the classroom together, it was especially dark this morning, it was cloudy and raining. She and Red have a special connection, he goes instantly to her in they communicate in the way that some people and some dogs do.
I was transfixed by the camera, and even in the darkened room (and using some things George Forss has taught me), I caught this moment, an unusually powerful one, even for Red, whose ability to connect with human beings deepens day by day. Karen Thompson was right, this dog was chosen to brighten the spirits of people.
I have greatly enjoyed getting to know Lisa, even as I love the way her great new blog is lit with her creative energy, humor and empathy and generous spirit. She is always cheerful, but I suspect that spirit has been hard and painfully won. Empathy is rarely forged by an easy life. Lisa wants to be a professional writer, I am certain she will get there and her blog will help her. I think this is the connection between Lisa and Red, two generous hearts speaking to one another, colleagues in the nervous and disconnected world.
Lisa does not ever complain of the long drive, she says it is an opportunity for her to take photos and see New England’s beautiful scenery, but I imagine she is very tired at the end of the day. She is a member of the Open Group At Bedlam Farm, one of the many creative spirits there who share their work with honesty and love and lift one another up. I am so grateful for the gift of getting to know Lisa, and also for the gift of Red, his heart is a gift that fills the stars.