We’ve chosen the new header, shown above. I’m going with my name in Red, and the type face for the quotes in Navy Blue, the same color that borders the Farm Journal. I preferred the Red, I liked the statement it made, I liked it’s strength and boldness, but I decided that the point was the words, not the color, and I didn’t want anything to distract from the impact of the quotes. So these fit, to me, and the Red by-line is just my little statement, a reminder that the blog has plenty of edge to it sometimes, as it should.
Like most people, there are different sides of me, not just one, and sometimes they each compete with the other. The quotes, thematic statements from my writing, will fade in and out for five or six seconds. This is the final mock-up, I’ve given the go-ahead to Mannix Marketing and their designers and I thank them for their patience and skill, as always. They have been my partners putting this blog together from the beginning.
I also thank the many hundreds of you who contributed so much to this project, who followed it from the beginning, who wrote such thoughtful and heartfelt messages. Your feeling for the blog is very wonderful for me to see. it is a very important change for me, it says more than many people might think about the blog’s evolution into a new kind of book. Interactivity has changed the world and forged a new relationship between people like me and people like you. In this case, it is a mesmerizing and powerful thing. Thank again.
This header will be up and running sometime next week. My hope is that it emphasizes the importance of words and continues to connect the blog to the feeling and meaning of a book. Books are not dying, they will never die, some of them are just switching homes.