This morning, when I went out to the pasture, the donkeys and the sheep were not there. When you are missing the sheep you just look for Red and you will find them. To my surprise, they were out grazing in Lulu’s crossing, the first time this summer I have seen that. I was beginning to wonder if we needed this pasture and all of the trouble and expense it took to clear it out and open it up. But it was a good move, as the grass in the main pasture browns and fades, the outer pasture is fresh and we found some new donkey and sheep trails out there, they have been making regular visits.
Running a farm is just like playing chess. When we started the pasture, it hadn’t yet rained for a solid month, and we had more grass than we knew what to do with. The grass is fadingĀ now, the animals have to work harder for their nutrition, there is lots of good stuff across Lulu’s crossing and I am grateful we cleared it, and that we built a sturdy bridge across. We are thinking of renting some goats for a month or so to clear it out further.