I’ve started two men’s groups in my life, and both were wonderful and short-lived. Men (including me) put a lot of things ahead of friendship and communication, they are reluctant to support and encourage one another as some of us work hard and struggle to be better lovers, spouses, friends and residents of Mother Earth. Men have never really had a movement and need one. They have many issues with work, connection and identity.
Women have learned to talk open about their struggles for equality, dignity and safety, men have not. I’ve had remarkable success helping to create two Open Groups At Bedlam Farm, The Open Group for arts and creativity, the group for loving animals. More than 1,500 are on these two groups, sharing their ideas, images, blogs, words and paintings.
So I’m in an ambitious mood. I want to try a Men’s Group At Bedlam Farm. An online community of men, a digital men’s group.
I want to see if I can have some success at attracting a small group of men who are committed to the idea of mentoring, encouraging and supporting one another as we struggle with our own issues. It is not easy being a woman in the world, it is not easy being a man either. Men do not have a rich history of doing this, this will require patience and commitment, I’m not sure if it will work. But I really want to try it, I’m on a roll with my blog and social media pages.
I fear for men sometimes, it seems to me they are destroying the world with wars, genocides, religious conflict, economic and environmental destruction. Whenever I look at the news from Washington I see men at their worst, mired in argument, conflict, cruelty and posturing. Most male-run corporations are no better. I am working to do better in my life, I want to talk to other men who feel the same way.
The group will not be large, but it is open to anyone who clicks on the light bulb icon on the groups list on my Facebook Home Page. The group is called “Men’s Group At Bedlam Farm.” Our discussions will not be available to anyone but us (although there is little real confidentially on Facebook). And the group will obviously not compete with or distract with the other groups, which are thriving.
So far one rule: no arguments or hostility. Hostile men will be banned instantly and for good. Angry comments will not be permitted or tolerate. If you are a male committed to talking about how to be a good man just click on the light bulb and you will automatically be listed as applying.