Red was holding the sheep yesterday and Zelda turned and came towards me, the old look she always had when she was thinking of knocking me down. “Don’t do it, Zelda,” I said, clutching the camera so I could fall with it landing on me, not the ground. She didn’t do it. Red is utterly indifferent to my getting knocked down. Our pasture work is purely professional, he does his work, I do mine. We are each on our own. Rose would never have let Zelda come and knock me down, it is always fascinating to me how different individual dogs are.
I regained control of my unwieldy photo library last night, thanks to a brilliant tech support performance by Apple. The company has been frustrating me lately, but the tech support was stellar when a secret and unknown storage folder nearly shut down my computer. Life happens every day, in one form or another, change and surprise is not the exception, it is the rule. But I am glad that one thing that didn’t happen yesterday was Zelda knocking me down.