Good morning from Bedlam Farm 2.0. I was thinking about Bedlam Farm 1.0 and I told Maria we should buy another farm, perhaps have three, go in the opposite direction. Just kidding. The news here is that creativity is the order of the day. I will post a Bedlam Farm Barn Fairy album. I have another Royal Baby of Bedlam Farm story, an update on the Princess Lenore’s run-in over food with chickens. I am in the mood to write another poem that will hopefully make your toes tingle. I am having brunch with Maria, the photographer George Forss and the artist Donna Wynbrandt, George’s conspirator in art.
And what is creativity? Is the the province of the exclusive and tormented few? Or are we all endowed with the creative spark, as God says in the Kabbalah and elsewhere. Do a few critics and gatekeepers get to decided who is gifted, or do we get to decide for ourselves. Check out the Open Group At Bedlam Farm and see for yourself.
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I do not accept contributions or donations, the blog is not a charity or a worthy cause – subscribing is not a way to help me out, rather to pay me for the work I do – and thanks to those of you who are paying me for my work. I like it, it makes my work more valuable to me, and, I hope, to you. Paper books are one thing I do, no longer the only thing. This blog is my daily book, I work hard at it, every day. Mobile and smartphone version of the blog will be available shortly, you don’t need to do anything to receive them, that will be automatic on you smartphones.