A little over a week ago, we decided to put Bedlam Farm up for rental and see what happened, so I’m offering an update as promised. The phone started ringing off the hook for Kristin at Preble Realty – 518 854 7888 and Kristin spent a lot of time fielding phone calls and answering questions. Kristin can tell pretty quickly who’s serious. One woman said she wanted to rent the farm and write a book but she couldn’t rent it now, because her dog is old and sickly and might not handle the trip North. Not serious.
Another woman said wanted to rent the farm and establish a dog rescue facility there and would raise the rent though boarding rentals. Not serious. Another wanted to know where Orson was buried, could she come to farm and see the site? No. Some people were serious – a woman from Vermont wants to raise Alpacas in Washington County, but it seems she wants enough pasture to grow her own hay (for me, buying hay is a lot cheaper than buying a tractor.) Another wants to partner with Maria and I in a Bed &Breakfast, not serious. Another is coming up from Florida in a week or so to look at the farm, and she might be serious, she wants to come north to live.
Kristin is still sorting through the calls. I think the farm is well suited to two kinds of people – people who want a second home to test out life in the country, and people who want a neat house and facilities for having animals like sheep, goats, horses or alpacas. Kristin is also getting a lot of e-mail ([email protected]) about Bedlam Farm. Nothing concrete yet. It also seems that more people have surfaced who want to look at the farm and buy it. We will see, we’ve shaken up the tree, somebody will come and love this beautiful place, I can feel it.