When I woke up this morning, I was disappointed to see that it was raining, the farm was shrouded in mist. I am a color and light guy all of the way so I thought it would be drab, but I remembered what a photographer told when I started taking photos, it isn’t what the camera sees, it’s what the photographer sees. I went outside, shivering in the damp and wet, no sign of light, and there were the Dahlia’s, proud and dignified.
And I thought this is life, you see what you wish to see, what you need to see. Beauty is everywhere, if you look for it, and I thought standing in the garden that on my deathbed, my love, one regret I would not have is that I did not kissĀ you enough.
And one regret I will not have is that I did not look for beauty enough, or filled my cup with laments and one regret I did not have is that I turned people against one another rather than to one another.