A number of people called our realtor Kristin Preble after we announced yesterday that we had decided to rent Bedlam Farm. We hadn’t thought about renting, but the housing market here here has not yet fully recovered, and we like the idea of having people living in the farm until things sort themselves out. Many people have suggested that Maria and I turn the farm into some sort of retreat – for writing, photography, animal rescue, art. Those would all be wonderful uses of the farm with it’s privacy and outbuildings but that isn’t what Maria and I do for a living, we love our work, and running a retreat isn’t what we want to do.The farm is well suited for almost anything, it has a restored old farmhouse and four restored barns, one with heat and water.
Many people say they are sad about my leaving Bedlam Farm, but I am not sad about leaving, I have no wish to return, we are very happy in our new home and our life together, we have no shortage of stories to write about and good photos to take or art to make. That was where we needed to be then, this is where we need to be now. The first calls were encouraging, some serious people who want to explore life in the country for a year or so and bring their dogs, maybe some sheep and horses, to the farm. We are open and flexible to the right people, we want people who will love the farm and care for it. We would consider a multi-year lease if it seemed right. Maria and I want to talk to the people who are serious, get a sense of them. We want to feel very solid about anybody who rents Bedlam Farm. We like the sound of the people calling so far.
For confused newcomers, I see there are some, Maria and I put the farm up for sale more than a year ago, we moved to our new farm in October of 2012, the photos and stories you have been seeing and reading are from the new farm. For those who have questions about the rental of the farm, please call Kristin at 518 854 7888.